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Advertise With Us AAM MAT India Newspaper Digital Advertising Solutions Print Advertising Solutions

Digital advertising and solutions

We offer a wide variety of advertising and digital solutions to highlight your message to the right audience at the right time. To advertise with us do contact at below given emails or number

Advertise with us | AAM MAT India Hindi Newspaper | AAMMAT Advertising Solutions Digital Advertising Solutions | Print Advertising Solutions | Advertising Agency

For inquiries, please contact – Email:, Phone No: 0141-2785510

Print advertising and solutions

For Print advertising solutions please contact – Email:

Mechanical Details

Electronic files are preferred on PC formatted media (CDs, Pen drives) or via e-mail. Image may be a GIF, PNG or JPG web viewable format.

Advertising Agency Department

Through Internet advertising you can make contact with more audiences than most other marketing mediums. Direct, tailored and to the point web pages give viewers what they need.

Advertising Agency Inquiry – Email:

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Ad Specifications & Sizes [Digital Advertising]

Banner Ads

Banner sizes : 468×60, 728×90, 160×600, 120×600, 300×250, 120×240

Rich Media Ads [Digital Advertising]

Anyone serving ads on the Internet should take a look at Rich Media. Rich Media ads show a 38 percent higher click-through rate than normal banner ads.

Rich media ads are well on the way to dominating online advertising. Broadband connectivity is the norm, Internet users are overlooking banner ads, and Rich Media Ads are becoming the best option for advertisers.

How it Works? [Digital Advertising]

The Rich Media experience, video streamed to the user, is similar to watching a traditional television commercial – with the added benefit of being able to click through to the advertiser’s website, or to skip the ad and go to the main website.

Types of Ads | Digital Advertising

Intromercials Ad Format

The Intromercial ad format is a simple, repeatable format that sets a good standard for advertisers. What’s attractive to advertisers is that intromercials reportedly deliver 5 to 10 times better response rates than banner ads (partially because intromercials allow a plethora of rich media executions).

A Full page Intromercial takes over the entire screen and usually appears either when the user first enters the website or is checking one of the internal pages. Since this blocks the actual web page it usually last for few seconds so as to not irritate the web visitor. Most Intromercials feature a “continue” and a “about the ad” buttons that allow the visitor to skip the ad or know more about the advertiser. They usually have a frequency cap of 1, so the user only has to watch it on the first visit of the day.

By default, Intromercials just play for few seconds before getting redirected to the requested publisher page.

Intromercials with Leave-Behind

An additional option is available where by the Intromercial leaves behind a small 120 x 90 pop-up at the top-right corner of the screen. This popup has a Close and Replay buttons. On clicking the close button, the small leave behind will disappear. On clicking the replay button, the entire Intromercial will play again. The Leave-behind pop-ups are shown only for the first four page request by the particular user.

Standard Specifications

Expandable Ad Format

The expandable panel runs in current ad positions, and can contain anything one would normally put on a web page (including additional information, dynamic data, video streaming, data collection, interactive games, and more).

Standard Specifications


The banner slides on to the screen from the Right hand side corners, commanding instant attention from the viewers. The ad sizes could be 160×600,120×600,120×240 etc. It has a close and replay buttons.

Ads on Photos

Standard Specifications

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